Wednesday, March 26, 2008


First off if you don't know who ESTEVAN ORIOLS go to google and type in his name, he is only one of the best photographers out there right now, a lot of people are ripping his style...

What I like about this video

brings back memories of the REAL LA :

UNION AVE, Mister Cartoon | SA Studios, a lot of memories.

I love how the video turned out, just like andy Estevan project!


Dj Oz said...

I've got the UNDFTD x Adidas x Oriols!!! THEY ARE SiCK! Size 10, i think! I'm sellin em in case you know anyone who wants em! HOLlA

Dj Oz said...

I have the UNDFTD x ADIDAS x ORIOLS...size 10, they are SICK!! I'm sellin em incase you know anyone who wants em! HOLLA BACK

Dj Oz said...

I've got the UNDFTD x ADIDAS x ORIOLS. they are sick! size 10, if you know anyone who wants to buy them! LAters